Rites of passage between two seas
About us
Colours, scents and traditions of a land stretched between two seas

Welcome to Sikalìndi
A family history
We are Francesco, Anna, Antonella and Dana: a family from the South in love with their land, Apulia, which is both tough and plentiful
Reception, hospitality, care for details are the ingredients that season our family life since ever. Sikalìndi was born from these simple ingredients, animated by the courage to pursue a dream and the persevering love to keep it alive.
Sikalindi is our home. It is also yours.

Rites of passage between two seas
Sikalìndi keeps on with the colours, scents and traditions of our family and the thousands of tales told in a land with a vivid past, still alive amongst the locals.
A land between two seas, meeting place of peoples and cultures that have given life to a vibrant territory imbued with history.
Sikalindi was born to tell our story to those who choose to spend time with us. Immersed in the Salento countryside, it is today a small farmstead devoted to hospitality and farm to table dining.